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Quest Vitamins LTD,
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Lactose Intolerance


Lactose intolerance refers to an inability to digest milk sugar (lactose) due to a deficiency in lactase (the enzyme necessary to digest it). Common symptoms include Bloating, Cramping, Diarrhoea, wind and nausea.

One treatment for this health condition is to avoid eating and drinking milk or any products derived from milk (butter, cheese, yoghurt, etc.) in addition to other products that may have milk sugar as a main ingredient, including cakes, sauces and soups. Others will seek to rectify their difficulty with digestive aids after ingesting milk or milk products.

Occasionally, lactose intolerance is part of a greater health problem, such as Coeliac Disease.


L-acidophilus (2)
Digestive Enzymes (Lactase)
Vitamin D
Vitamin E (1)


1. Kurose I, et al: Fluorographic study on the oxidative Stress in the process of gastric mucosal injury - attenuating effect of Vitamin E, Journal of Gastroenterol Hepatol, 8(3), May-June 1993, p 254-258.
2. Kim HS, Gilliland SE:Lactobacillus acidophilus as a dietary adjunct for mild to aid lactose digestion in humans, Journal of Dairy Science, 66(5), May 1983, p 959-966.


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